In Brazil’s capital, where laws are made to protect us or to attack our existence, a strong power is coming together. From 11 to 13 september, indigenous women from all over the world will gather for the III Indigenous Women’s March. One important moment that transcends borders and unites these fearless warriors in their fight for justice and equality. With their colorful tradicional clothing and unshakable determination, these women are the strength to be aknowledge, always remembering to the world that ancestry and the strength of this indigenous communities.
Each step they give, women march with their voices and those voices reverbate through the Brazil’s capital. We’re not marching just for ourselves, but for coutless indigenous women that have been silenced and marginilized all long history. Our message is clear: it’s time to end the discrimination’s cycle and to claim our place towards indigenous women’s rights in society.
In the center of this March, there’s a powerful appeal for equal rights for indigenous women. These women have been facing countless challenges and injustices through their lives, but refuse to keep silenced. We demand access to quality health care, education and ecomonic opportunity. We fight for land’s protection and natural resources that have been exploited for a long time. We defend the end of indigenous women’s violence, a widespread problem that’s been tormeting our communities for generations.
As the time passes, the III Indigenous Women’s March are getting closer, the determination of these women just rises up. These voices may disappear from the streets, but the message will keep echoing in the hearts and minds from those who have seen this historical moment. The fight for indigenous women’s rights is far beyond to finish it, but each march, each demonstration and each united voice, the progress will be reach. And as long as we have brave women united, the flame of hope will never extinguished.
Indigenous women, from all over the world, get united, moved by a comum purpose: to claim their voices and demand reconigtion that they deserve. It’s time to society recognize and approach unique challenges faced by indigenous women and that’s why the III Indigenous Women’s March have a schedule, so we can advance in a organized way.
10 of September (Sunday):
- Registration during all day for the press and others in the Camp
- Delegation’s arrival during the day.
- 19h – Official Opening of the III Indigenous Women’s March
- Delegation’s apresentation: Indigenous Women’s Ecosystem
- Indigenous women’s books and website’s launch: Amazon Ecosystem, FOIRN and others ecosystems.
11 of September (Monday):
- 8h – Work’s group Ecosystems’s theme:
Climate Emergencies, Biodiversity, Reforestation, Menthal Health, Indigenous accessibility and Violence gender.
- 14h – Groups Presentation – Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Amazon, Pantanal, Caatinga e Pampa
- 15H – Plenary Reforesting the Congress – within Cocar Politicians
- 16H – Ancestry Jury – Indigenous women’s jury
- 18H – Launch of the gender violence booklet (ANMIGA and IPRI)
- 20H – Cultural Night: I Festival Indigenous Women’s Ecosystem
12 of September (tuesday):
8h – Internacional Plenary: Water Women;
11h – International Plenary: Seeds Women – Indigenous State secretaries and guests;
14h – Strenght between them and for them: Indigenous women, Black women and Quilombola women occupying position of power in all these áreas: municipal, state, national and internacional.
16h- Cocar Politicians and Ecosystem’s Women in Politics;
20h- Night: The Land’s Guardian Parade
• 20h- Night: The Land’s Guardians Parade.
13 of September (wednesday):
8h – III Indigenous Women’s March: Ecosystem women in biodiversity defense for the ancestors roots.
14h- Dialogue with the Ministers about the Letter that was delivered in Pre Marcha: “Ancestry voices from the six ecosystems from Brazil”
16H – Final Reading from the Guardians
18h – Final show with indigenous women artists and guests: the cure of the world it’s us. (Women’s Artist from the 6 ecosystems)
The III Indigenous Women’s March is an important event that reunites indigenous women all over the world to promote equality of gender, the deffense of women’s rights and the preservation of indigenous cultures. It’s a powerful reminder that the fight for indigenous women’s rights doesn’t have any geographical borders.
The indigenous women’s participation from differents countries, as Jannie Lasimbang (Malasya), Helena Steenkamp (Africa), Margaret Lomonyang (Uganda), Rosangela Gonzalez (USA), Julieta Maquera Llanqui (Peru), Jennifer Koinante (Kenya), Tuana Jakicevich (New Zealand), Suscita Chakma (Bangladesh), Maria Danilova (Russia), Natália Izhenbina (Russia), Meiliana Yumi (Indonesia), Sônia Marina Gutiérrez Raguay (Guatemala) e Pirita Näkkäjärvi (Finland), it shows the importance of indigenous women’s movement in a global scale
This participants diversity highlights the universality of issues faced by indigenous women, like th land’s access, the gender violence, the discrimination and the fight por autonomy and empowerment. Through the march, these women have the opportunity to share their stories, experience change and to fortify solidarity between indigenous people all over the world.
The first march gather over two thousand women in all ecosystems, in 2019. The II Indigenous Women’s March has shown the advanced of indigenous women, and united more than 5 thousand women and more than 150 indigenous people in all ecosystems from Brazil. The event was organized by Articulação Nacional das Mulheres Indígenas Guerreiras da Ancestralidade (ANMIGA) with the theme: Women’s Guardians: reforesting minds for land’s cure. Our movement indicates that, it doesn’t fight only for individual rights, it’s about honoring a rich patrimony and protection of an ancestral culture.
We know that it won’t be easy to overcome 523 years in 4. But we’re willing to make this moment a big resumption from ancestor force from the soul and brazilian spirits. That will only be possible, if we have by our side, mothers, the elder, the chiefs and men’s leaderships cooperating with the advance in collective dialogue for a bigger pourpose. Our biggest enemies are the laws that doesn’t reconognize our diversity and our existence. To talk about indigenous land demarcation, it’s to yell for the continuity for the existence for our people. Having an indigenous women as the first indigenous Minister it’s to reafirm that women are the heal of the earth and the answer for facing the violence towards gender and racism as structural, institutional and enviromental.
Therefore, in 2023, it marks the continuing fight against ilegal mining and for political formation for representation’s spaces of power. Yes, we win the first battle, that’s the experience in local states. But the work among women’s life are urgent and emergent. The september’s month, it’s the month to fight and resist, where we want to bring our proposal to conect and reconect the potenciality from ancestores voices that are seeds in the land that composes the ANMIGA’s network. It’ll be a moment of empowerment for indigenous women that are in movement’s territory, proponing new dialogues and projects for Brazil, for their fights and voices. This year, our main subject is Ecosystem Women in Biodiversity’s defense for Ancestors Roots.
ANMIGA invites everyone to support the indigenous women’s fight from all six ecosystems in Brazil, in this process to build a governance that respects their existence. Join our cause. For more informations, please, contact ANMIGA by phone or e-mail. ANMIGA – Articulação Nacional das Mulheres Indígenas Guerreiras da Ancestralidade.
III Indigenous Women’s March –”Ecosystem Women in defense of Bioversity for Ancestral Roots”
From 11 to 13 of september
Address: Complexo Cultural Funarte – Brasília/DF
Contact: (99) 99110-0635 – Daniele Guajajara (Call and WhatsApp)
Na capital do Brasil, onde são feitas as leis que nos protegem e atacam nossa existência, uma força poderosa está se reunindo. De 11 a 13 de setembro, mulheres indígenas de todos os cantos do mundo se reunirão para a III Marcha das Mulheres Indígenas, um momento importante que transcende fronteiras e une essas guerreiras destemidas em sua luta por justiça e igualdade. Com suas vestimentas tradicionais coloridas e determinação inabalável, essas mulheres são uma força a ser reconhecida, lembrando ao mundo a ancestralidade e a força das comunidades indígenas.
A cada passo que dão, às mulheres marcham em uníssono, com suas vozes ecoando pela capital do país. Não estamos marchando apenas por nós mesmas, mas pelas inúmeras mulheres indígenas que foram silenciadas e marginalizadas ao longo da história. Nossa mensagem é clara: é hora de encerrar o ciclo de discriminação e reivindicar nosso lugar de direito na sociedade.
No centro dessa marcha está um poderoso apelo por direitos iguais para as mulheres indígenas. Essas mulheres enfrentaram inúmeros desafios e injustiças ao longo de suas vidas, mas se recusam a continuar sendo silenciadas. Exigimos acesso a cuidados de saúde de qualidade, educação e oportunidades econômicas. Lutamos pela proteção da terra e recursos naturais, que vêm sendo explorados por muito tempo. Defendemos o fim da violência contra as mulheres indígenas, um problema generalizado que tem atormentado nossas comunidades há gerações.
À medida que a III Marcha das Mulheres Indígenas se aproxima, a determinação dessas mulheres aumenta. Essas vozes podem desaparecer das ruas, mas a mensagem continuará a ressoar nos corações e mentes daqueles que testemunharam esse momento histórico. A luta pelos direitos das mulheres indígenas está longe de terminar, mas a cada marcha, a cada demonstração e a cada voz unida, o progresso é alcançado. E enquanto houver mulheres corajosas unidas, a chama da esperança nunca se apagará.
Mulheres indígenas de todas as esferas da vida se reúnem, movidas por um objetivo comum: reivindicar suas vozes e exigir o reconhecimento que merecem. Chegou a hora da sociedade reconhecer e abordar os desafios únicos enfrentados pelas mulheres indígenas e por isso a III Marcha das Mulheres Indígenas tem uma programação toda pensada para que possamos avançar de forma organizada.
*the foto is opening this article is by @giulinanemartins , and was registrate in the II indigenous women march in september 2021.