We are the convergence of the mother of all struggles, and to continue echoing our voices in defense of life, ANMIGA and the Biome Women of Brazil are organizing the III Indigenous Women’s March, under the theme “Biome Women in Defense of Biodiversity through Ancestral Roots”.

The III Indigenous Women’s March will take place from September 11 to 13 in Brasilia (DF), with the aim of connecting and reconnecting the potential of the voices of the ancestors who are the seeds of the earth, who make up the ANMIGA network, strengthening the work of indigenous women who have their bodies and territories in motion, debating the challenges and proposing new dialogues for advocacy in indigenous politics in Brazil.

"The struggle for mother earth is the mother of all struggles!"

Since the creation of ANMIGA and the II Indigenous Women's March in 2021, indigenous women have made great strides in building their history and political place.

We occupied politics through the Bancada do Cocar, which included 17 representative candidates who stood for election as federal and state deputies. We witnessed the historic victory of our Women of the Earth, Sônia Guajajara and Célia Xakriabá, who today represent us in the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, Chamber of Deputies.

Desde a criação da ANMIGA e da II Marcha das Mulheres Indígenas, em 2021, as mulheres indígenas avançam a passos largos na construção de sua história e lugar político.

Ocupamos a política através da Bancada do Cocar, que contou com 17 candidaturas representativas que pleitearam as eleições a Deputadas Federais e Estaduais. Testemunhamos a vitória histórica das nossas Mulheres Terra, Sônia Guajajara e Célia Xakriabá, que hoje estão nos representando no Ministério dos Povos Indígenas, Câmara dos Deputados.

No more Brazil without us!

The ANMIGA network calls on everyone to support the struggle of indigenous women from Brazil’s six biomes to continue building governance that respects our existence.


  • Arrival of delegations during the day
  • 8am – Official Opening of the III Indigenous Women’s March
  • 10am – Thematic Working Group by Biomes: Climate Emergencies, Biodiversity, Reforestation and Indigenous Peoples – With Women Land, seeds, waters and roots;
  • 1pm – Plenary Reforesting Congress – with the Cocar Caucus
  • 2pm – Presentation of thematic groups – Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Amazon, Pantanal, Caatinga and Pampa biomes.
  • 4pm – Court of Ancestry – Jury of indigenous women
  • 5:15pm – Launch of the booklet on gender violence (ANMIGA and IPRI)
  • 6pm – Bill to Combat Violence against Indigenous Women
  • 7pm – Launch of books and websites by indigenous women (Amazon Biome – FOIRN and other Biomes).
  • 8pm – Cultural Evening: 1st Festival of Indigenous Women Biomes.

        *time subject to change

  • 8am – International Plenary: Women Water;
  • 2pm – Table 1: Empowerment among them and for them: Indigenous, Black and Quilombola Women Occupying Municipal, State, National and International Spaces of Power
  • 4pm – Panel 2: The Bancada do Cocar and Biome Women in Politics
  • 8pm – Parade of the Originárias da Terra.

       *time subject to change

  • 8am – III Indigenous Women’s March: Women Biomes in Defense of Biodiversity through Ancestral Roots
  • 2pm – Dialogue with the Ministers on the Letter that was delivered at the Pre-march: “Voices of Ancestry from the 6 biomes of Brazil”
  • 4pm – Reading of the final document of the originaries
  • 6pm – Closing concert with indigenous artists Women and guests: The Healing of the World is Us.

        *time subject to change

  • Return of delegations to their territories.

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