The indigenous women of Brazil, gathered and mobilized through the National Articulation of Indigenous Women Warriors of Ancestrality – ANMIGA, present to the world the Reflorestarmentes. This is a great call to humanity, in an attempt to provide all the peoples of the world with a new possible way of relating to Mother Earth, and also to each other, the beings that live on her.
It is necessary and urgent to reconnect with Mother Earth, because this is the only way to keep our bodies alive – and it is essentially about life and Good-Living that we talk when we put the Reforestation movement to the knowledge and access of all.
We do this in the face of the unprecedented overlapping emergencies we are experiencing today. In every country on the planet, the impacts of the climate and environmental crisis associated with the effects of the biggest pandemic in history generate staggering amounts of deaths and new hordes of excluded and scourged people. Hunger, unemployment, racism, LGBTFOBIA and sexism place millions of people in a situation of extreme vulnerability and exhaust their resources to protect themselves. These are the results of an unsustainable exploitative project, which pushes the whole world to a point of no return, compromising the very continuity of our existence on planet Earth. Such path of death and destruction: we neither want nor can follow this path.
We need to build together a path of life and reconstruction, which is based on the encounter between peoples, the care for our Earth, the positive interaction of different knowledge. This is what we propose with Reflorestarmentes. It is possible to live and coexist in another way, with other epistemes, based on ancestral cosmologies. Taking care of Mother Earth is, deep down, taking care of our own bodies and spirits. Body is earth, forest is mind. We want to reforest our minds so it can all join together to provide the much needed care for our body-earth.
The Reflorestarmentes Platform organizes the ancestral knowledge and technologies developed and preserved by us, Indigenous women, and makes them available to all who share with us the concern for our lives, our land, our future.
Let us together build a good life and Good living for all!
Let us together reforest our minds to heal our land!